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Today we gonna review about Need for speed HEAT, now this game has been in here since more than 2 decades.  Back in 2017 NFS payback version has some cool game play story line moments which are unforgettable. So here we have NFS heat which is well try by the developers of NFS which basically is after NFS underground.  Frankly NFS heat is stepping in right direction for a series which is looking for filling up there wound it’s not a comeback to greatness but its still give you refreshing experience which you are hoping for .

So after you get into this game you will be in story line of some characters racers and you will be racing a town Palm city looks like video game Miami . so the racing is pretty awesome , you will find a great drifting option , its fast , aggressive , fun , incredible tuning sets , perfect side turn combo is fantastic which give you wow experience .

Game is divided in day and night; in the night mode game will give you a true graphics with wet streets, neon lights, its Holy shit street racing. Any time police can trace you and chase you which create kiosk in game , cops are aggressive , bad ass cops , your heat level will increase , and you need your heat level for tuning your car , you need cash and more you race in night more you earn with all risk . Also you will see movie like graphics cops are coming on bikes.

Car Customization is superb as well , new stickers , sound of exhaust , vinyl’s, decals, paint head light color , there are lot of stuff which is great , even more engine option , transitions , move your wheels like a crazy .

So bottom line is I am happy with the upgrade, graphics and NFS developers tried to do something more interesting.

NEED FOR SPEED HEAT NEED FOR SPEED HEAT Reviewed by admin on May 17, 2020 Rating: 5

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